1 Tell me about your book. How did you come up
with the story? My main reason for writing this book was to start one of the BIGGEST
witnessing’s of the gospel to every believe in Judaism ever.
I wrote this book & titled it “The Jew Who Missed The Bus” because I
received a revelation from GOD to do so. ... This book will have every believer in Judaism talking & many
seeing Jesus as the Messiah for the 1st time ever. It's a very interesting
story, how I received the revelation from GOD, and the challenge I pose to
every believer in Judaism to READ the book & take a fresh, new, unbiased
look and to discern its truth about the topic; Is Jesus the Messiah, (A.K.A.
Yeshua), & then try and prove it wrong. I also pose a challenge to
every Christian to BUY it, READ it & PASS it on. You can read my
testimonial, about how that revelation happened on the right in Chapter one
“The story behind “The BOOK.”
2. How did you get interested in writing this
particular genre? Like I say I got a revelation from GOD It came to
me right after the miracle… (on April 27, 2014, I
was given a second chance in life. Two huge blood clots traveled up from my leg
to my lungs, causing a massive pulmonary embolism. I was rushed to the E.R. by
ambulance, losing consciousness three times from my house to the E.R. When the
Pulmonary Specialist finally diagnosed me with the embolism, he said it was a
true miracle that I lived through it. He said I should've died right in my
house. Then he went on to say, "You don't realize how lucky you were Mr.
Duncan. Someone up there must really like you." During the 5 days I
spent in I.C.U. and 4 more in I.C.M.U., all I could think of were these three
things; 1st How much I missed being so close with Jesus;
2nd My family and how bad I wanted to spend time
with them, and all the things I wanted to still do with them; and 3rd How I really needed to start taking better care of myself. I
must have prayed almost nonstop day and night during those 9 days in the
hospital. I’ll tell you, there is nothing like almost dying to bring you crying
and praying back to GOD. I once had a friend ask me “Isn’t it funny how we
always go running to GOD in prayer when we’re in trouble or when we need
something, but how often do we pray to GOD when things are going GREAT in our
lives just to say, 'HEY, Lord, I know You’re the one to thank for this, so I
just wanted to come to You in prayer and say I love You and
thanks'?" But it wasn’t until I got home and started praying my
thanks to GOD that I started to feel the Lord putting the need back into my
heart again to reach out to the Jewish people. So I prayed, "Lord God, how
would I do that?" And the Lord told me to write a book, "A
book," I said, "You want me to write a book?” And just so you know, I
almost laughed as I prayed that. So I kept on asking in prayer, "Lord,
surly Lord, that's not what You really want me to do, A BOOK?" And I
started to pray again some more, asking the Lord what he really wanted me to
do. "Write a book,” He answered. This time it was so clear all I could do
is say, "OKAY, Father, but I mean, well, are You really sure, Lord,
because this is me you're talking to, You really want me to write a book?
I've never ever even attempted to do anything close to that. You know I
was horrible in English, one of my worst subjects ever, plus I’ve never
even read a book from cover to cover before in my life, except the Bible."
Again the Lord told me, "Write a BOOK and title it The Jew Who Missed The
BUS”. It was so clear that I couldn’t even laugh at the title or question it.) After
that all I could do was to just turn my heart over to the Lord. I said,
"Okay Father, if You’re with me, Lord, who can be against me? I’ll do it
because it will edify me and give You all the praise and glory". So I
started writing my BOOK, or as I like to say, GOD’s book, and I called it The
Jew Who Missed The Bus. And here I am just one of His servants just
trying to fulfill His calling on me.
3. What kind of research did you do for this
book? Bible school, Payer & I let the Holly Spirit
4. What's a typical working day like for you?
When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal? I write @ home, I set no goals some days I write more than others but I
always pray before I write and also while I’m writing.
5. What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Knowing when to stop, I believe too much information and kill
a thought (I like to go by this say “Keep it Simple Stupid” LOL…
6. What’s the best thing about being an author?
Know that I’m doing the LORD’s will & work…
7. What are you working on now? Putting dates together to visit Churches to talk about the BOOK… I want
to start off in New Jersey and work my way around the country…
8. What advice would you give aspiring writers?
Don’t do it… LOL Ok really If you’re going to untake a task
like this do a lot of praying about it first and don’t stop until the book is
complete …
9. Do you have any favorite authors or favorite
books? The Bible…
10. What question have you always wanted to be
asked in an interview? How would you answer that question? How do you feel now that the book is published? I come close to tears
every day in prayer just thanking the Lord for giving me this ministry and
allowing me to play a part in reaching out to lost souls who believe in Judaism…
11. If
you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be? The man who ran from the Lord only to find out he was
running in a circle…
FYI- The book is available on Amazon.com, LULU.com & as it’s only website www.TheJewWhoMissedTheBus.com
Thank you for your time Thomas. If you would like to get a copy of his book you can if you go to his website above or at Amazon if you just click here.
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