Character's Name: Jordan Hall
Part I: Let's Start at the Beginning...
What's your name? Jordan
Give me your full name...Jordan Hall
. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it and how did you come to have it?. Nope, just Jordan
What species are you? (Human, werewolf, etc? Or are you an alien?) I know you have some special gifts that aren’t entirely human. I’m a human, and quite good looking from what I’m told.
Where/when were you born? Southern California.
Okay, you believe that you are good or bad or are those terms not definable? I’m all for Good, or the Light as we call it.
Part II: Tell Us More About Yourself...
How would you describe your personality? I’m kinda happy go lucky with a habit of looking for trouble.
Would you say you're someone who can handle pressure? What’s a good example? I think I’m pretty good at pressure. Well at least I am now, I fight Shadows with Griffin, so what he does I do.
Do you get along with others? For the most part. For some reason, when I’m around people they all just get along and understand each other, it’s kinda weird.
. Who are your main enemies, people you would like to see stopped from whatever they are doing? Oh, I hate pretty much every Dark Transition Man, but I’d have to say Wesley is my main enemy.
How about allies? Griffin is my biggest ally, but Isa and Emma, and the other angels from the light are on my side.
What is one things that you would like to see happen in the immediate future? World peace
…Man I don’t know what is this Miss America? I’d like to finish my medical degree.
Part III: Hypothetically...
Suppose that you could become any creature you know of.
What would you pick, and why? I’d pick an Eagle. They are so majestic and strong. I’d also love to be able to fly.
One of your enemies in question 13 just complimented you. What is your response? Thanks, I guess. Then I’d blow his head off.
One of your friends in Question 14 just insulted you. What is your response? Refer
to question 15.
If you could change anything about yourself... I think I have a short temper, I’d like to be a bit more patient.
Tell me about where you grew up… Typical beach community. I surfed, and had lots of fun in the sun.
Part IV: Now We Get Personal
What're your parents like? They were never really around. I did what I had to do for myself.
. Do you have any siblings? A brother and sister that I don’t see often.
What's your occupation? Do you like it? I’m a full time medical student, but it's hard to focus with everything going on with Griffin.

Are you seeing/dating anyone? If only.
If not, did you ever think about getting engaged or married and to whom? Haven’t found the right guy yet.
Tell us your biggest secret. I’m not a very good swimmer.
Your worst fear? You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to. I’m really not afraid of anything except failing to help Griffin.
Tell us one thing you're the most proud of and why? I am proud I could change myself and become a better person. Drugs, prostitution and partying were not a very good life. Helping Griffin and the people of Las Vegas to change and become better people, that’s definitely worth while.
About the Author:
Jon Pew

Tucson Arizona and am a proud father of three awesome kids and married to the most beautiful woman born. I am a life long fan of entertainment in all its forms. I love watching movies, reading and listening to books and spending time with my family. I am a faithful member of the LDS Church and proud soldier in the United States Army presently stationed at FT.
Campbell Kentucky home of the Screaming Eagles. I have been an Entrepreneur most of my life and have tried my hand in many small businesses over the years. I joined the service in 2009 and wrote my first novel in 2010. My overall philosophy in life is
Play to Win, so if you
have a dream be proactive and go get it!
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