Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My books are on 25% off today only

Over at they have some of my books for sale and today only you can get 25% off your first order. Here is the link to my books on their site

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Throwback Thursday

For Throwback Thursday here is the original cover to my book Dinky the Elf. Well actually this was the second cover. The first cover I did with clip art and it didn't look nearly as good as this one by Boop and Pops. Maybe I can find a copy and scan the cover and share it with you sometime. If you still want to get Dinky the Elf you can at or any other bookseller on line where fine books are sold. You can also use code JCBQGDXF at checkout at createspace to get a discount of 10% off. Here is the link to it on createspace